A GREENOCK man who has helped save the lives of hundreds of tiny newborn babies received the Heart of Gold honour. 

Andrew Nisbet has been donating blood and platelets through the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service since the early 1990s. 

He was recently asked to donate his platelets to help neo-natals who need emergency treatment. 

Andrew, 62, said he hopes his award win will encourage more people to give blood. 

Speaking at the Greenock Telegraph Community Champion Awards on Friday night, he added: "I'm overwhelmed. I really wasn't expecting it, especially seeing everyone else in the category. 

"It shows how much people appreciate what you do. 

"I would love more people to go along and give blood and platelets. 

"That's always been my aim, I want to raise awareness. 

"I just hope that other people can save a life. That's what it's all about for me."

A&I Geotechnical sponsored the category. 

Representing the firm, Maria Cameron said: "It's always a really difficult category to judge.

"Every one of the finalists is a deserving winner."