TWISTED vandals smashed up a memorial in Port Glasgow town centre honouring the role of local veterans on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

River Clyde Homes bosses and their Home Fix Scotland team had put together a poignant tribute in the flower beds outside the high rise flats in the middle of the town.

In a moving gesture they depicted soldiers, aircraft and poppies as part of the commemorations for the Allied invasion in 1944, which came three years after Inverclyde was hit during the Blitz, wiping out entire families locally and destroying thousands of homes.

Greenock Telegraph: D-Day tribute before it was destroyedD-Day tribute before it was destroyed (Image: River Clyde Homes)

On the anniversary of D-Day residents were appalled when a thug shouted obscenities, waded into the display to trample upon it, breaking up the symbols of sacrifice and courage.

Former provost and local councillor Robert Moran joined residents and River Clyde Homes bosses in condemning the vandalism.

Greenock Telegraph: Councillor Robert Moran condemns vandalismCouncillor Robert Moran condemns vandalism (Image: George Munro)

Councillor Moran, who has had relatives in the army, said: "The residents here are so upset about this. It is disgusting. There cannot be family living in Port Glasgow who did not have a grandfather who was in the war or who was affected by the Blitz.

"The D-Day commemorations meant so much to so many people. It was such a lovely tribute by River Clyde Homes.

"This vandal attack is something that cannot be tolerated,"

Greenock Telegraph: Robert Moran hits out at D-Day vandalismRobert Moran hits out at D-Day vandalism (Image: George Munro)

River Clyde Homes told the Tele eyewitnesses spotted an individual shouting and swearing, hurling abuse about the army before wading into the flower beds, ripping out plants and smashing up the display.

By the time the police arrived the person responsible had ran off.

A spokesman said: "We are deeply disappointed to learn that the floral tribute recently installed at Thistle Court in Port Glasgow to honour D-Day veterans has been vandalised in this manner.

Greenock Telegraph: vandalism at Thistle Court vandalism at Thistle Court (Image: George Munro)

"The display, carefully designed and installed by Home Fix Scotland, aimed to show respect and appreciation for the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought on D-Day. To see it destroyed by such a mindless act is a true disservice to these heroes.

"D-Day veterans deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. This tribute was a small token of that appreciation, and it is heartbreaking to see it destroyed."

Councillor Moran has worked with local residents regarding anti-social behaviour and disorder in the town centre with an increase in police and warden patrols to stamp it out.

Local resident Allan Laing, who lives in Heather Court, said: "It was terrible to see what happened. We had already fixed the display because the wind had blown some of it down the night before.

"I have lived here for 16 years and it is lovely at the flats. I look after the flower bed outside Heather Court and I had asked River Clyde Homes do something with this one.

"It is a real shame what has happened. But Port Glasgow town centre can be a no-go area at night."

River Clyde Homes are appealing for anyone with information about the vandal attack to report it.

The spokesman added: "We urge anyone with information about the vandalism to come forward and contact the police.

"The team at Home Fix Scotland have replaced the floral display as a continued symbol of respect for the D-Day veterans, but unfortunately some of the elements have been damaged beyond repair.”