A PORT Glasgow school has received top marks across the board following a recent inspection.

Education Scotland sent a team into St John’s Primary School and its nursery class in March to speak with pupils, parents, carers and staff.

In a report published today, the school’s ‘strong leadership’ was praised – as well as ‘highly effective’ teamwork between staff in the school and nursery.

Inspectors said robust approaches to assessing and recording pupil development in literacy and numeracy has supported them to make ‘very good’ progress.

The school and nursery were evaluated across a range of quality indicators, including leadership, learning, teaching, assessment, wellbeing, equality and inclusion.

(Image: Street View)

Education Scotland rated St John’s as ‘very good’ across all categories.

In its evaluation of the early learning and childcare setting, the Care Inspectorate also gave the nursery ‘very good’ ratings across the board.

The nursery recently became one of the first in Scotland to be recognised with an Worldwide Model Pre School Award for dedication to emotional wellbeing.

In a letter to parents, Robyn McIlroy of HM Inspectorate, said: “The strong leadership of the head teacher has led the creation of a caring, respectful learning environment in the school and nursery class.

“All children are known and nurtured as individuals and staff are valued and empowered to lead change."

READ MORE: St John's Nursery first in Scotland to win top award

She also highlighted 'highly effective teamwork of staff', adding: “Together they work very well to model positive relationships and encourage children to do and be their best.

“As a result, children are highly motivated to learn and achieve.”

The inspectors said in their report that the school should continue to develop high-quality teaching, ensure pupils receive appropriate challenge and take a stronger role in leading their own learning.

Staff have also been asked to continue developing effective systems for planning, monitoring and reviewing the impact of additional support for children across the school.