INVERCLYDE'S MSP says the Scottish Government will continue to protect local people from the worst of public service cuts.

Stuart McMillan was responding to the announcement by finance secretary Shona Robinson that the country is facing £500 million pounds worth of cuts.

He blamed the UK Government for imposing austerity, as well as other factors and says that the Labour Government's plans to cut further will cause more damage.

Stuart McMillan said: “In the face of these challenges, the Scottish Government has stepped in to support people and services where it has been needed most – on social security, health, and public services.

"This is, however, without equivalent UK Government action, and their repeated failure to properly review the adequacy of funding settlements.

“However, the Finance Secretary made clear that the SNP will continue to do all it can to support people who are faced with the absolute worst consequences of well over a decade of Westminster austerity and cuts to public services."

 A recent report by the Scottish Fiscal Commission said that much of the financial pressure comes from the Scottish government’s own decisions.