THIS past week I was once again in the company of hundreds of local musicians and singers as our Inverclyde Music Service organised another Schools Christmas Concert.

I have been at many of these occasions over the years and never fail to be inspired and impressed by the quality of music, playing and singing coming from our young people. It takes a lot of teaching by many musical people, and the concert showed the wealth of talent we have in this part of the world with a number of our young people each year going on to do great things in music beyond their school years.

Music brings with it such a list of benefits for us. As well as being so enjoyable to listen to, music does lighten our mood, it reduces anxiety and depression, can stave off fatigue and boosts our memory. All the children taking part become part of a major team with all the team benefits as well. And you and I can enjoy more singing by joining a local choir or singing group, if you don’t already do so.

At the concert, we listened to quite a wide range of music, including some traditional carols, and there are more carols for you and I to sing tomorrow with hundreds of others at Greenock Morton's Cappielow stadium starting at 4pm.

Music has always been a part of church life too with most services including hymns and choruses as we seek to sing our hearts out in praise to God. A number of us also talk of heavenly music and I so look forward to joining with countless others in heaven as we praise God for who He is and what He has done in sending Jesus to our aid all those years ago.

Plus, and according to many religious beliefs and biblical accounts, angels sing in heaven. They are often associated with heavenly music, and the image of a heavenly choir of angels singing continual praises to God is a lovely one.

So, hopefully, in this Christmas season, you will get the chance to sing and understand even more the real meaning of Christmas.