SO, it’s suddenly been back to the cold and wet weather we are used to in this part of the world, albeit with a couple of nice days recently in amongst all the wind and rain.

January is like that and if it had a heart and soul, you might think it set out to destroy all the nice and warm feelings we might have had over the Christmas with friends and family.

Of course, that’s not true.

And yet January can get so many of us down, aided perhaps by having spent more than we should have over Christmas and January can be a five week period between paydays.

Then January offers so little natural light with the long dark nights and shortened days and we long for more light and longer days. Not only more natural light but more light for us personally, lightening depression, fears and worries.

But that is not to be found in longer days, helpful as these can be. Listen to what the bible tells us. ‘I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown'.

And he replied, 'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That will be better to you than light, and safer than a known way.’

Whatever the weather might be, whatever situation we might find ourselves in, Jesus is there for us. Unflappable, unmoveable, and always looking out for us. Put your hand in the hand of the Master, your and my Saviour, and find Him to be faithful and true.

And as another new year has arrived, make a change in your life and come find the One who only promises life for you, and then eternal life with Him in heaven.

Unburden yourself and let Him iron out all your difficulties and fill the emptiness with the sweetness and strength of His presence with you and in your life. You will be surprised by the joy He brings.