I WAS astounded to read that Cllr David Wilson (Conservative Party leader in Inverclyde) had the audacity to write a letter into the Greenock Telegraph stating his certainty that the service cuts proposed by the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service were ‘solely the fault of the Scottish Government’, and that it was a ‘political decision’.

This audacious statement was made with no irony whatsoever, with Cllr Wilson being the lead Tory in Inverclyde, the most deprived area in Scotland, whilst his UK Government bosses have squandered billions of pounds on dodgy PPE contracts, awarding their friends and allies multi-million pound contracts for PPE that was never able to be used.

There is brass neck and then there is Cllr David Wilson, the ultimate in brass neckery!

Perhaps Cllr Wilson should focus his attention on campaigning for the Tories at Westminster to be criminally charged for their ‘political decisions’ and what they have done to the UK, Scotland and Inverclyde, by driving the entire economy into the worst situation it has been in living memory and millions of households and children into poverty, while their pals enjoy the lavish spoils of our taxpayers money.

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