I COULD hardly believe my eyes when I read Stuart McMillan MSP’s ‘Holyrood message’ on November 27.

Criticising the UK Government’s decision to cut national insurance, Mr McMillan claimed this “shows the UK Government has the wrong priorities at the wrong time, depriving public services of vital funding”.

Yet just a few weeks ago Mr McMillan was lauding his leader’s announcement of a council tax freeze next year, which will similarly deprive public services of vital funding.

Mr McMillan’s hypocrisy is breathtaking. He knows the council tax freeze is the wrong priority at the wrong time, yet he continues to support it.

His own local SNP councillors know it is the wrong policy at the wrong time, which is why they don’t support it.

If Mr McMillan won’t listen to me, surely, he should listen to his council colleagues who know that any funding available for a council tax freeze would be better spent on protecting local services and jobs than on a policy which disproportionately benefits the better off?

Councillor Stephen McCabe

Leader of the Council