INVERCLYDE Council leader Stephen McCabe is again right and everyone else is wrong, Greenock Telegraph 1/12/2023.

How must it feel to be such an expert on everything while the rest are just, well, amateurs?

This time it is Labour's Paul Sweeney, MSP with years of experience working in shipbuilding and considered an expert in his field, who is at the end of McCabe's recent outburst.

His comments on the Inchgreen dry dock accuse Mr McCabe, the council and Peel Ports of a dereliction of duty over the dry dock, which has contributed to Inverclyde's economic decline.

Council leader McCabe then has a go at the Inchgreen campaign group, led and supported by former heavy industry workers with considerable knowledge of shipbuilding and repair who are leading the campaign to nationalise the dry dock.

Before that, Labour's Katy Clark MSP, a long-time critic of Peel Ports, questioned Inverclyde Council's decision to get into bed with Peel.

Councillor Colin Jackson, a member of the Labour group McCabe runs and an outspoken critic of the council's failed economic and industrial strategy, signed the petition to nationalise the dock, also questioning the council's relationship with Peel Ports.

Three of the country's largest transport trade unions are now backing the campaign, with one offering financial support.

Questions need to be asked about the political leadership and the direction of this council.

The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

Clearly, they have not learned anything from their previous mistakes, and it will be another generation that suffers from this incompetence.

Alex Kerr
