I HAVE every sympathy with the point made by your correspondent Bryan Wright on council tax valuations ('A proper review of council tax is required', January 3).

However, the rules on valuation are not set by councils but by the Scottish Government and parliament.

Any representations should therefore be directed to Mr Wright's Member of the Scottish Parliament, Stuart McMillan.

A full council tax revaluation was last carried out in Scotland in 1991. Revaluations should be undertaken at least every 10 years to maintain the integrity of the system.

When the SNP came to power in 2007, they promised to scrap council tax and replace it with a fairer system.

Over 16 years later we are still waiting on this fairer system to be agreed and implemented.

Meanwhile the property valuations on which the current system is based are increasingly not fit for purpose.

Councillor Stephen McCabe

Leader Inverclyde Council