IT would be interesting to see what percentage of council tax revenue is being utilised to service council pensions.

The latest news that Inverclyde may be raising council tax by up to 16 per cent is deeply troubling.

Many housing associations are raising rents by around six per cent, and as far as I am aware food prices in general are still quite high.

There are obviously many more services that treat the public as nothing more than a cash cow to be used when funds are needed.

Pensions might be getting an 8.5 per cent rise but all these increases will basically wipe-out any benefit of the state pension increase.

Contrary to what some ill-informed parliamentarians proclaim, the state pension isn’t a benefit, although to that section of the population who have never, ever worked, it most certainly is a benefit.

State pension is only a 'benefit' when the recipient has never worked, otherwise it has been earned through our NI payments over the years of employment.

Unlike the working population, pensioners don’t get overtime, bonuses etc, we get a set pension every four weeks, so unless you have a company/workplace pension to supplement your income, it can be rather difficult to live.

Choosing between heating/food/rent/council tax can be a difficult juggling act, so to hike council tax by 16 per cent would be a dangerous step to take.

I realise that councils are being starved for monies by the Scottish Government but adding to pensioners, and indeed everyone else’s woes, doesn’t seem a smart move. No matter how much monies councils get via council tax, services are always cut.

Are councils too large now? Are they top heavy? Are they competent?

These questions could be asked of many organisations within the UK.

But a council tax hike of 16 per cent does seem excessive no matter how you view it.

Bryan Wright
