Greenock parkrun, Event number 410, August 12

WELL, the weather forecast this week was correct. Yes, there was rain.

This week 92 people ran, jogged and walked the course, of whom 17 were first timers.

Two runners, Lewis Khan and Gary Gilmour, recorded new personal bests. Representatives of 13 different clubs took part.

There were three runner milestones this week. David Black completed his 200th parkrun. All but one of these was run at Greenock. Twenty-fifth parkruns were completed by Jude Dolan and East Kilbride AC's Lucy O'Neil.

There was also one volunteer milestone, with photographer, Lesley Dick, recording her 25th event between Greenock parkrun and Battery Park junior parkrun.

All at Greenock parkrun would like to congratulate Lynsey and Ross on the birth of their beautiful baby daughter, Orla. Congratulations also go to one of our run directors, Steven, and his new wife, Jo, on the occasion of their wedding.

Greenock Telegraph:

Stuart Greenway was first male to cross into the funnel (16:45). He was followed by Stephen Cooke (17:06) and Paul Monaghan (17:40).

First timer, Janis McArthur, was first lady (22:15) Paula Vosper (24:20) and Holly Kilpatrick (24:35) were second and third respectively.

The event was made possible by 16 volunteers: Sarah Whalen, Gerry Gallacher, David MacDiarmid, Stuart Crawford, Gerry Gillespie, Willie Logan, Stephen Harrison, Lynne Harrison, Helen Crawford, Irene McIntosh, Lesley Dick, Brendan MacDonald, Tracey Howe, Marjorie Morrison, Arashk Mohseni, Janice Lowles.

The full results and a complete event history can be found on the Greenock parkrun results page.

Parkrun are looking for volunteers for the next few weeks. If you can help out or would like to find out more about volunteering, please contact our Facebook page or email