Battery Park junior parkrun, event number 102, August 13

WHEN you arrive at the Battery Park, and most of the volunteers are sitting in their cars, it can only mean one thing. Yes, it was raining.

But that didn't stop 26 enthusiastic junior parkrunners taking part in the weekend's event.

This week saw four new runners come to Greenock, three of whom, Ruby, Poppy and Gyan, were running in their first ever parkrun. Finlay was visiting for the first time, having already taken part in three other junior parkruns.

Four runners, Eve, Daniel (for the second week in a row), Orla and Declan all recorded new PBs.

There was one milestone, with Mason Gregory completing 11 junior parkruns and earning his half marathon wristband

Louis Reid, for the third week in a row, was first boy to finish in 07.28. He was followed by Elijah Taylor (08:17) and, with a new PB of 09:28, Daniel Cameron.

Eve Morrison of Victoria Park City of Glasgow AC, was the first girl to complete the course with a new PB of 08:26. Second girl was Anna Shearer (10:43). Orla Barry, with a new PB of 11:41, completed the top three girls.

Parkrun is very grateful to the volunteers who made this event happen: Ash Blyth, Ben Campbell, David Ian Campbell, Sandra Campbell, Lesley Dick, James Gavin, Norman Groves, Tracey Howe, Rebecca Laird, Moira McLuckie, Marjorie Morrison, Rachel Neil, Judy Ormond, Kirsty Ormond, Susanne Stetz, Niamh Ward and Sarah Ward

Can you spare an hour on a Sunday morning to help out? Junior parkrun always looking for volunteers to ensure that events can go ahead. If you can help, email or send a message through the Facebook page.