Greenock parkrun, event number 412, August 26

ON a day when conditions were perfect for running, 134 people took part in the latest monthly pacer event.

We had 19 first timers visiting Greenock of whom five were taking part in their first ever parkrun.

An amazing 23 runners recorded new personal bests including three visiting runners from Fork Runners. Representatives of 15 different clubs took part.

Milestones were recorded for six runners this week. Simon Fowler completed his 25th parkrun, Finlay Mitchell (50), Neil Lafferty (100), Stephen Harrison (150), Stephen Hanley (200) and Gordon Ritchie (250).

Recording a new PB, Andrew Osborne was first runner to finish in 16:20. He was followed by Paul Monaghan (17:01) and Oliver Reilly (17:25).

Greenock Telegraph:

Jill Cox was first lady to finish with a time of 18:05. With a new PB of 21:12, Madeleine Tatham was second to complete the course. Bellahouston Harriers' Pauline Henderson was third with a new PB of 21:54.

The event was made possible by 23 volunteers: Steven Watson, Graham McGrattan, Sean Gaffney, Stephen Reid, Stuart Austin, Stephen Hanley, David Black, Jim Brannigan, Angela Anderson, Leanne Boyce, Stephen Harrison, Malcolm MacLean, Lorna MacLean, Jennifer Hanley, Emma Sinclair, Paul Bleasdale, Douglas Green, Eric Lindsay, Lesley Dick, Tracey Howe, Marjorie Morrison, Arashk Mohseni and Barbara Collins.

The full results and a complete event history can be found on the Greenock parkrun results page.

After the run, a number of participants and volunteers attended Lyle Kirk for breakfast rolls and tea/coffee or soft drinks. This was the first time parkrunners have met in the church hall and will meet again on September 30, the date next pacer event.

Parkrun is looking for volunteers for the next few weeks. If you can help out, or would like to know more about volunteering, email or message the Facebook page.