RANKIN Park recently held its open four’s competition, the first time the club has hosted the event since covid and it was great to see a full green with players from all over the district.

A fun and competitive days bowling was had by all. 

There were 18 teams competing for the Peter and Myra Johnstone Memorial Trophy.

Two great semi finals were contested - Richard Lewis (Fairlie BC) def Frank Lyn (Grosvenor BC) and Colin Sadler (Linwood BC) def Dava Burns (Kilmacolm BC)

A very competitive final was then contested between Richard Lewis and Colin Sadler with Colin's rink running out eventual winners.

Rankin Park would like to thank all players that turned out to make the day a success. 

Thanks also to caterer Jim Williams for providing an excellent breakfast and lunch, the bar staff and to Kye Danny West for keeping everyone entertained with an evening of music. 

Finally, thanks to sponsors PB Wright and Sons for their generous sponsorship of the competition and their backing for season 2023. It’s very much appreciated during these difficult times and the club thanks them very much.