Battery Park junior parkrun, event number 108, September 24

ON a dry but cool Sunday morning, 29 runners took part in today's junior parkrun. Seven runners achieved new PBs, and there were two first timers, Amber and Isla.

There was one volunteer milestone this week with Marjorie Morrison there for the juniors for the 50th time.

Rudi Stetz and Anna Shearer both completed their 50th junior parkruns and next week they will receive their ultra marathon wristbands.

Greenock Telegraph:

Sam Fulton ran in the junior parkrun having completed his first ever 5k full parkrun the previous day.

In a time of 07:15 (one second quicker than last week), Louis Reid was first to complete the course. Elijah Taylor (08:13) was second, and with a new PB of 08:29, Sol Currie completed the top three boys.

Shana Byrne (09:12) was the first of the girls to finish this week. She was followed by Rosa Currie with a new PB of 09:40, and Catriona Pringle (09:48) was third girl to complete the course.

Parkrun is grateful to the volunteers who made this event happen: Catriona Anderson, Sandra Campbell, Lesley Dick, Caleb Freeman, Lynne Fulton, James Gavin, Tracey Howe, Rebecca Laird, Marjorie Morrison, Rachel Neil, Judy Ormond, Luisa Shearer, Susanne Stetz, William Taylor, Niamh Ward and Sarah Ward.

Parkrun is still looking for volunteers for the next few weeks. If you’d like to volunteer with the team, just email