BIRKMYRE romped to victory at the weekend with a resounding 71-29 win at home to Isle of Mull - keeping them in top spot in the league.

The home side ran in 11 tries in total, eight of which were converted.

Although the score might suggest otherwise, it was a very competitive affair for over half of the match with Birkmyre down 28-29 at one point.

But a second half onslaught from the home side killed the game off.

Birkmyre started very positively with Ali Peacock and Robbie Espie both running in tries in the first ten minutes, and both of those were converted by David Cruickshank.

Peacock powered his way through from short distance and managed to stretch out to tap the ball down when tackled just short of the line.

Greenock Telegraph:

Espie on the other hand made a clean break from 25 metres out and was able to jog in for his score unopposed. Mull then responded well with two scores of their own making it 14-10.

Cruickshank then scored the first of his two tries. Having gathered a pass about 40 metres out, he chipped the defence and collected the ball on the bounce inside the 22. He was tackled five metres out but had the strength and momentum to get over the line. Again, the try was converted.

Greenock Telegraph:

Ross McDonnell then extended the home side's lead. Receiving the ball on the touchline inside his own half, he stepped his way past two defenders and was able to run round under the posts for a converted try. Mull did not give up and they responded with two further scores of their own making it 28-22 to Birkmyre at the half.

Mull started brighter in the second half scoring a further converted try a few minutes after the kick off, giving them a one point lead. However, from there on in it was one-way traffic as Birkmyre turned the screws on their now tired opposition.

Paul Carruth scored his first try on 55 minutes. The forwards had driven the team to five metres out. The ball then went through the backs where he received a pass from Espie allowing him to slide in for five points. Cruickshank converted. It was then the turn of scrum half Jonny Davidson to score his first try of the season.

Greenock Telegraph:

The young number nine went blind at a scrum from 20 metres out. He was tackled short of the line and was getting pushed into touch. However, he used his skill and agility to dive for the corner flag and managed to touch down one-handed for a world class score.

Birkmyre remain top of the league on 31 points. Moffat are second on 28 following by Irvine and then Lochaber on 24 and 23 points respectively. Birkmyre take on Glasgow University Medics this Saturday with a 2pm kick off.