IT was green for go at Gourock Park as the club got its new season underway with a two-day opening event.

Members and guests gathered at the club for the official Friday night opening of the popular club before returning the following day to enjoy an afternoon of bowls.

The greens were officially opened by president Andrew Nelis, who will take the helm at the club this year alongside his wife and vice-president Margaret.

Greenock Telegraph: Gourock Park Bowling Club opening 2024.

The first bowl and jack of the new season were delivered by the couple’s granddaughter Grace.

Club secretary Ian Brown told the Telegraph that the club were pleased to see around 50 people turn out for the two opening events despite poor weather on the Friday night.

He said: “This year for the first time that the president and the vice president are husband and wife.

“We’ve had husband and wife doing it before but not in such close proximity to each other.

“We had Councillor Lynne Quinn there who said a few words for us as well as the Greenock & District president.

Greenock Telegraph: Gourock Park Bowling Club opening 2024.

“We’re looking forward to the league starting on Tuesday night and we’ve got some new players in the club who we’ll be fitting into the teams across the Scottish and Renfrewshire.

“It’s just about getting everybody in and finding our feet so hopefully we can have a good successful season.”

As well as offering locals the opportunity to play bowls, the club also has a crazy golf and putting course and boccia facilities.

Greenock Telegraph: Gourock Park Bowling Club opening 2024.

Committee members are currently seeking planning approval for a proposal to build a small hall outside the main clubhouse, which groups using the facilities will be able to use.

The club are offering come and try sessions for those wishing to give bowls a go on Saturday mornings between 10am and noon, with juniors sessions on a Thursday night between 6pm and 7pm.