I THOUGHT I had put Terrace Talk to the back of my mind until next season but after reading the Tele last week and finding one of our best players has been offered reduced terms meant I simply had to put one last letter in for the season!

Lewis Strapp along with George Oakley are the only two I would go above and beyond to re-sign for the season as in my opinion they are far and away the best players at the club.

I know the increase in budget for next season allowed the club to offer Oakley an excellent offer and I am told that even though Ayr United have offered an even bigger contract Oakley doesn’t want to leave the club and is/was hopeful we could get close to the Ayr offer.

As for Strapp it is clear for all Morton fans to see how much the club means to him and when Dougie Imrie brought him back into the club it heralded the start of the unbeaten run.

Lewis Strapp always gives 100 per cent and I think I am correct in saying 100 per cent of Morton fans want the club to re-sign him, but to offer him reduced terms in my opinion is embarrassing, shocking and unbelievable.

I would reach out to our chairman John Laird to clear this up and at least offer him similar or better terms than he earned last season!

John Gisbey