NEW Morton arrival Lamar Reynolds believes he has found the right place to add some consistency to his game after penning a one-year contract at Cappielow.

The 28-year-old is moving north of the border for the first time in his career and he cannot wait to show the Cowshed faithful just what he's all about.

He told the Tele how he has been doing extra work during the close season to get himself ready for the start of training.

Reynolds wants to show from the get-go what he can bring to the Ton forward line and is determined to show off the best of his abilities under Dougie Imrie.

He said: "Fans can expect a bit of pace and they'll probably see me score a decent goal or two, hopefully.

"I've been working on my game, I've been trying to get some consistency but I think that by playing in my actual position, and going forward, that's my main strength.

"I'd say my main strength is going forward and not back the way.

"Last season, I found myself going back the way more than I did going forward and I think that limited me a fair bit as to what I could've done.

"But hopefully this season, I'm more than sure will be a good one not only me on a personal level but for the club too and we can move in the right direction.

"I'm really looking forward to getting going with Morton.

"The gaffer has obviously told me his plans, which have made me really happy and excited about looking forward."

The move taking Reynolds from Maidstone to Morton, which gaffer Imrie has hailed as a coup, came out of nowhere.

But while the approach was a susprise, Reynolds was sure that he wanted to take the opportunity.

He said: "I'll be honest, I'm not too sure myself it came about, but I'm hoping that Maidstone's run in the Fa cup and that game against Ipswich had something to do with it.

"It was crazy at that time and I've said it before, but I think it lifted a few eyes my way.

"After that I did have a few people on the phone asking about me, but for me, coming here to Greenock Morton was the best option for me."