INVERCLYDE is marching towards walking a million miles — as a summer street theatre tour helps clock up steps.

Walk organisers CVS Inverclyde are off to a flying start after joining the Beyond the Oak Walking Musical Tour performers.

Their staff recently joined the performers to take part in the final street tour of the season as they raise the profile of the fitness challenge.

During the summer all those taking part in the tour clocked up  446,125 steps — and that will be added to the magic million total.

Million miles project officer Sarah Jane McNeil said: “It was a fun evening and great to see not only members of the local community go on the tour, but cruise ship passengers as well.

“We thought it was a creative and fun way to clock up our steps for the challenge.”

At the event they were also joined by MP Ronnie Cowan for the musical walkabout.

The CVS team are also working towards their  Healthy Working Lives Silver Award.

CVS Inverclyde are leading the million mile challenge launched recently.
Beyond the Oak Walking Musical Tour was dreamed up by both  the Beacon and the Inverclyde Place Partnership and funded by Inverclyde Council.

The Inverclyde Million Miles Challenge is keen to get involved in more local community events, so please email if you are organising one.