TELE photographer George Munro selects his pictures of the week.

Pic1: Tele reporter Susan Lochrie and I dropped in to see the good folks of Hamilton Bardrainney Church who have seen a welcome swell in numbers of visitors to their Corner Cafe. Anyone looking for a cuppa, or simply some company, can come along on any Monday from 11am to 1pm.

Greenock Telegraph: Church cafe at Bardrainney

Pic2: Sculptor Amy Grogan put her best feet forward for this fun picture taken in Greenock's Oak Mall. The artist has set up shop there to invite visitors to exchange any offerings for her works, which include sculpted pasties, pies and other art curios.

Greenock Telegraph:

Pic3: A putting green that is a Gourock landmark has been reinstated after being closed for many years. Gourock Park Putting Green always presented a fun challenge to generations of local families who have taken on its precipitous challenges.

Greenock Telegraph:

Pic4: St Ninian's Primary School head teacher Siobhan Currie and her pupils allowed us to join in with their recent celebration of attaining a gold award for both reading, and their work as a UNICEF Rights Respecting School.

Greenock Telegraph:

Well done to the pupils!