THE consultant heading up a review into respite for adults in Inverclyde is appealing for people who rely on the services to take part.

Charity boss Susan Douglas-Scott, who sits on the board of the Golden Jubilee, has been appointed by the Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership.

Following the recent shake up and the closure of Hillend Respite, the HSCP are putting a new strategy in place.

Equality health and social care consultant Susan Douglas-Scott, who is disabled herself, sits on a number of organisations with a direct impact on disabled people's lives and is chair of the independent living fund Scotland.

In a message she said: "I have spoken to service providers in the area and have begun speaking to carer, I also want to speak to people who have used respite services.

"I need to speak to more people especially those who rely on respite care."

The Inverclyde HSCP agreed to a consultation on adult respite servivces, which were disrupted during the pandemic.

The integrated joint board then took the decision not to reopen the Hillend respite centre.

To contact Susan Douglas-Scott call her on or 07711470196 for calls, texts and whatsApp.