CLOSURE-HIT Milan restaurant is to re-open under new management - with many staff winning back their jobs.

Former investment banker Gordon Hunter, 39, is opening his own eaterie, The Square, at the site on Tuesday.

Up to 20 local full-time and part-time workers will be employed at the new venue in Cathcart Street, including six former Milan staff.

Milan owner Lorna Docherty was forced to shut last month, blaming the credit crunch and lengthy road closures in the street for a downturn in business.

The 34-year-old told the Tele at the time she was devastated at having to lay off her loyal workforce.

But now Lorna, along with the head and second chef, are among the workers to be taken on by The Square’s owner.

Gordon, from Greenock, was keen to employ as many former workers and local people as possible.

He said: “I ate in Milan and I always liked it.

“I got good feedback from staff when I told them about my vision and what I was looking for. They were really bright and cheery.

“I tried to give jobs to as many local people as possible who worked in the restaurant before. I looked at several places and this was the best for location and character..” Gordon, who previously worked as a senior manager with investment banks in Glasgow and London, added: “I’ve always wanted to start my own company.

“I’ve never worked in this business before but I’ve eaten out a lot and I know what I like and what our customers will like."