WE would like to thank our readers after hitting a new digital subscriber milestone.

As of 11 October, we now have 600 people subscribing to receive access to brilliant and exclusive stories from the area and beyond.

With your support, your trusted Tele team can continue to bring you the news happening across Inverclyde. 

Editor Brian Hossack said: "We'd like to thank our readers who have taken out a digital subscription and helped us meet this new milestone.

"Local news is more important than ever and with your support we will be able to continue to offer the best and most important news Inverclyde has to offer.

"We would love to hit 1,000 subscribers before the end of the year, so that's why we are inviting you to take advantage of our amazing offer where you can subscribe for two months for just £2.

"Our premium stories are the very best of what we do and our exclusive coverage of crime is unparalleled and we always ensure unrivalled reports of Inverclyde.

"We'd love to have you join us."

Here are just some of the stories our readers have enjoyed this past month:

If you're not already subscribed, click below to find out more!