JURORS have acquitted a woman of two assault charges after it was claimed she glassed a teenager at a Gourock pub and left her permanently scarred.

Lynda Robertson was accused of severely injuring a female, then aged 19, at Cleats Bar two years ago, while the 37-year-old also faced an allegation that she attacked a senior member of staff by hitting him in the face at the Kempock Street venue.

Following a four-day trial at Greenock Sheriff Court, which concluded on Friday, the eight women and seven men on the jury took around an hour to find both charges against the accused not proven.

Four Crown witnesses gave evidence during the trial, along with the complainer, while police officers and Robertson's husband were called by the defence.

Prison officer Robertson, who lives in Port Glasgow and previously worked as a door steward at Cleats, took to the witness stand to deny carrying out the alleged 'nasty, vicious attack on a stranger'.

She accepted that she was frustrated on the night of October 3, 2021, after noticing one of the complainer's friends sitting alone and 'clearly distressed'.

Greenock Telegraph: Lynda RobertsonLynda Robertson (Image: NQ)

Robertson, represented by solicitor David Nicholson, admitted to raising her voice as she confronted the alleged assault victim and gesturing towards her but denied smashing a half-pint glass in her face.

She told the jury: "I felt something hard hitting the back of my right hand.

"It happened so fast, I didn't see glass hitting her, it came through the air."

A joint minute read out in court said that Robertson told police afterwards: "I was just trying to help the girl, I didn’t mean to hurt anyone."

READ MORE: 'Assault' trial hears bar manager was attacked by woman minutes after 'glassing'

The trial was previously shown a photo of a cut above the complainer's eyebrow which had to be glued by medics at Inverclyde Royal Hospital.

Her boyfriend at the time told the court that his then-partner's head was 'profusely bleeding'.

Neither the young woman, now aged 21, or her ex-partner could testify to seeing a glass in Robertson's hand at the time of the incident, however, the complainer told the court that she went into 'complete shock' after glass made contact with her face.

She said: "I have never been hit before by anybody.

"I felt warmth on my face and my eyes started to sting.

"My face was completely covered in blood and it was in my mouth."

READ MORE: 'Shocked' pubgoer tells jury 'glass attack' left scar and 'rocked her confidence'

Speaking of the impact of the incident, she added: "It rocks your confidence.

"It prevented me from socialising for a time. I would go into a panic attack if I was out somewhere and heard glass smashing.

"It definitely affected me in the long run."

In her closing speech, procurator fiscal depute Dana Barclay claimed there was 'compelling, overwhelming evidence' in the case.