A GREENOCK teenager who chased a group of youths whilst wielding a baton has been locked up.

Siemend Mohammed, of Lyle Street, admitted pursuing rival youths in an underpass on September 8 last year after the incident was captured on CCTV cameras.

The 19-year-old conducted himself in a disorderly manner along with a co-accused and other unknown males while brandishing the police-style weapon and committing a breach of the peace.

Mohammed was subject to six bail orders at the time.

Around three weeks after the offence, the teen intentionally obstructed two police officers during a drug search and ran away from the PCs.

He was also found to be in possession of cannabis, while checks confirmed that he had breached bail conditions by entering an exclusion zone in Glasgow city centre.

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Prosecutor Lindy Scaife told a hearing at Greenock Sheriff Court: "Around 1.15pm the accused and co-accused were walking with three others into an underpass out of sight, then a larger group walked in the same direction.

"The accused and his group chased after the other group. The accused was the main aggressor and led the chase with a police-style baton fully extended swinging it towards the youths.

"All dispersed without injury."

Mohammed committed his offences in Glasgow.

Fiscal depute Ms Scaife said security staff at St Enoch Shopping Centre alerted police to a group of youths - some of whom were banned from entering the premises - gathered at the rear entrance on September 30.

Ms Scaife said: "[Mohammed] attempted to hide something in his trousers and hid behind others.

"A strong smell of cannabis was detected and he was detained for a search."

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Mohammed then dropped his shoulder and ran from police and a foot chase ensued before he was eventually apprehended.

The court heard that a shoulder bag he had been wearing contained a green herbal substance weighing 2.3 grams and valued at around £20.

Mohammed, who appeared in the dock in handcuffs, received a community-based disposal for the offences at Glasgow Sheriff Court but was sentenced to 24 months imprisonment for separate offences at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court earlier this year.

Lawyer Amy Spencer said: "He was 18 at the time, the [community payback] order (CPO) was given as an alternative to custody and regrettably he finds himself remanded in Polmont.

"In May this year he was sentenced to 24 months imprisonment.

"The offence was committed while under the influence, and he was clearly associating with negative peer groups.

"Whilst nobody was injured as a result of the behaviour, given the time of day it would no doubt have been frightening for anyone witnessing this."

Sheriff Anthony McGeehan revoked the CPO and sentenced Mohammed to 14 weeks behind bars, running consecutively to his current term.